

100% Steam CoH Relaunch Compatible

We recently created a brand new installer that makes the entire installation process much easier and user-friendly. No need to worry about extracting files to the correct place, the installer will automatically locate your Company of Heroes Relaunch directory for you.

High Quality

Modern Combat has been held in extremely high regard ever since its release in 2012, which, after four and a half years of development, was an accomplishment in itself. There has been interest from the official game developers at Relic, and the community has ranked us within the top ten mods on ModDB for the past two years running. We were even voted the second-best upcoming mod in 2011.

Full Total Conversion Mod

We’ve worked hard to transport players from the villages of WWII Normandy to the beaches and lush woodland of 21st-Century China. Field helicopters, MLRS trucks and reconnaissance vehicles. Employ guided missiles, remote-controlled machine guns and grenade launchers. Utilise suppressors, thermal goggles, ghillie suits and target locators. Play Hardcore mode for a more realistic experience.

Join the Community

With tournaments, exclusive shoutcasts, easy networking between players and frequent patches, you stand to gain a lot by becoming a member of the Modern Combat community. Make sure you join our official Steam group, and keep an eye on this site for further updates and information regarding upcoming events!